Mutrition....for healthier consumer & healthier business

Mutrition supports food companies and professionals with marketing services such as strategic marketing, market intelligence and concept development.
All that receives attention grows.....

Smart & thorough marketing based on market research within concept philosohy will make your business healthier!
Read further if you could use support in your marketing & market intelligence.
The impact that Mutrition is after consist of the following points:
- Remind mass-consumer that
'you are what you eat' - Improve
the health of food concepts out there
'every food concept needs nutrition in its proposition' - Extend current rule of
'taste & nutritious food = king, convenience = queen' - Improve the health of food businesses
e.g. 'connect USP with UBR to secure ongoing business'
e.g. 'extend added value towards acknowledged value'
Mutrition programs
Strategic marketing
Align short with longer term and aim to create a healthy business is what strategic marketing provides.
A healthy business is a metaphor for a healthy person. Applying marketing models will broaden your perspective on the company, customers and competition. It will define your strategy that in turn guide your tactics and operations so that you're not only doing the right things, you're also doing the things right!
Market research
Align gut feeling with facts to make better decisions! Maximize the Return on Intelligence of existing data and translate that into knowledge that in its turn is applied to your business. That will identify blind spots for which feasible market research can be determined. Several food categories lack the budget or coverage for comprehensive primary market research, through triangulation and creativity an educated guess is pursued increasing the quality and validity of insights.
Concept development
The concept approach in the food sector provide opportunities to improve the match between demand & offering. For Mutrition the focus is to align taste with nutrition developed into concepts having in mind that every food brand/product is first and foremost to be delicious and nowadays at the same time to be nutritious (depending on the category).
Through recipe optimization, renovation or even innovation current concepts can be optimized or new categories can be developed.
WHY.... is smart to support your business with marketing:
- Companies that not only focus on short term but also pay attention to long term have proven to be more successful [supermerk-4-warren-buffett-rules]
- Due to increased complexity and change is happening faster it is more challenging to understand the market and anticipate on it
- Innovation in the market is often unsuccessful and product life cycles shorter, efficient and effective innovation is therefore ever more important
- Majority of food offered in today's supermarket is considered unhealthy while relevance of a healthy lifestyle increases given the health status of the public
- Marketing communication of food that's contributing to ones health falls short with marcom for unhealthy food where a shift is required through smart and creative approaches
...Mutrition can support you in making your business healthier:
- Project based consultancy with variable project set up, resources and timespan dependant on your project brief ranging from few days to several months, from pressure cooking to long term part-time consultation
- Applying existing marketing models (e.g. means-end-chain, VPC/BMC) as well as own schemes & models (e.g. USP/UBR model, acknowledged value model) applied within customer specific domain (customer/company/competitor)
- Connecting and liaise within food sector by networking and liaise between several players actively
- Consultation of knowledge & skills in and outside of Mutrition through its extensive network in the food sector covering agri, ingredients/industry, retail, foodservice as well as market research branch and education
Project examples
market understanding
Create an understanding and vision on the European seaweed market through market research and expert interviews. Structure of research is around hindsights, insights and foresights.
Health and marketing claims food products
What are claims, why and how they can enrich (or endanger) the food business case. This is what was discussed by Mutrition with a group of farmers aiming to improve and secure their business case with the potential use of claims.
Business development functional ingredients
Commercial development of the market in Scandinavia and Great Britain for functional ingredients substantiated with clinical studies. Next to food supplements also food and drink market.