~ Food Ingredients Frankfurt road trip ~


Marketing Monday ---- Food Ingredients Frankfurt road trip?
Plans to visit Food Ingredients Europe 19-21 November and yet to plan your travel?
BE WELCOME TO JOIN my road trip including shop visits NL/DE!

Shoe leather marketing
The marketing approach where you literally walk from place to place to meet and interact with customers. 

In this case to visit various supermarkets along the road to Frankfurt to observe consumers and experience the shops = signals opps to contribute to a healthier consumer

And to meet and engage with Food Ingredients related businesses at the Expo to understand their challenges in their specific food value chains = signals opps to contribute to a healthier business

I'm going with a campervan for a 400 km road trip from Utrecht to Frankfurt.
I'm going on Monday, spend 2-3 days at the Expo and return Thursday of Friday. 

For the road trip there are 1-3 SEATS AVAILABLE!

The exact type of shops visits are yet to be determined.
The exact time and route is yet to be determinedWould be great to exchange thoughts and observations during this shoe-leather-marketing road trip.

Would be great to reduce the impact of travel and enrich the time spend with like minded food pro's.
Happy to pre-meet and discuss our mutual wishes and determine the practical details.

Look forward to your reaction at ruud@mutrition.nl and we extend the Marketing Monday to a Marketing Week:-)

--- This post aims to start your week with a marketing & nutrition inspired thought

---- Mutrition aims to make your food business healthier

----- Let me help to tackle your market challenges

------ www.mutrition.nl/blog-marketing-monday