Marketing Monday Marketing & nutrition inspired thought to start the week

~ Fruit & Veg marketing ~


Marketing Monday ---- Fruit/veg marketing
Fruit & veg consumption decreased last year ;-(
Fresh Produce Centre stated that fruit declined 4% and vegetable declined 2% (see comment link to article). Does the marketing of fruit & veg favours extra attention?


Despite the fact that fruit & veg are healthy for people & planet!

🍏🥕Because it is not convenient?

It is vulnerabl

e to damages, spoiles quicker, requires handling before consumption.

Also is the consumption itself more effort than calory richer foods that requires less chewing.

Current solutions like precut, blending not sufficient to tackle this?

🍏🥕Because it is expensive?

Fruit/veg had lower inflation rates (fruit 2,7%, veg 1,3%) than general inflation (3,3%).

Would the intendedd VAT adjustment (9 to 0%) had an affect?

Proveg highlighted 10 successes of the plant based transition, the first success that plant based is cheaper that animal based.

Lower healthcare costs as an indirect benefit of fruit and veg intake?

🍏🥕Because it is trancient?

Yes it spoils quicker that packaged goods

But fruit & veg can perfectly be freezed, canned and jarred

Yes the latter two affect taste and texture

But with enough kitchen skills you can still create tasteful dishes

🍏🥕Because it is not satiating?

In comparison to protein and fat rich foods, fruits and especially veggies are not as satiating.

Another look at this is the opportunity to graze more often and longer for a consumer without adding too easy, too quickly calories to one's overconsumption.


1) Various food innovator colleagues address the necessity to spend budget and commitment to improve the current food offering as 80% is unhealthy and 80% of new products fail.

JUST DO IT food companies!

Personally it is my main driver, contribute to a healthier consumer (through nutritional concepting).

2) Inside out AND outside in

Apply solid market research, combine facts with feeling, aim to translate information into knowledge into wisdom, constantly interact with customers and R&D, determine a USP and UBR

3) go beyond products, create concepts

Concepts have more aspects, more underlying connections

Apply marketing techniques like Means-end-Chain (Gutman), VPC & BMC (Osterwalder) etc.

YES, fruit and veg favours extra attention…..

SO JUST DO IT food companies, set up a project, involve food innovators, contact me!

To wrap up

How about the apples sensory test back last year where I've contemplated on the potential of this test and if this will contribute to more awareness, involvement and consumer loyalty?

I'm curious to hear from Fruitmasters where it stands 3 months later?

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