Marketing Monday Marketing & nutrition inspired thought to start the week

~ Horecava 2025 take aways ~


Marketing Monday ---- Horecava marketing thoughts
The week after 4 days Horecava, largest foodservice event in lowlands.
The marketing take aways of Mutrition (and fellow food pro's)

Favamole, tasteful alternative to avocado guacamole with local ingredients = my favourite
1) Strong (brand)name, easy to remember, says what it is, close to reference
2) Good taste & texture
3) Solid & sound story telling
4) Passionate founders that fit with the brand
5) Dutch local crop that fit in natur-inclusive agriculture

Zwamcijsje, well known 'saucijzen' with mushroom = another favourite
1) Strong (brand)name, easy to remember, says what it is, close to reference
2) Good taste & texture
3) Solid & sound story telling

Fruit juices like De Appelaere, Schulp Vruchtensappen, Flevosap with authentic, local, quality proposition still out there
= positive sign that they have a solid customer base and business case allows to remain, exist
= positive sign that P of Product wins over P of price in the category

Soof Drinks: Not a soft drink! in line with fruit juice brands also for this concept a positive signal that they're still around and kicking!
🍶Retail & foodservice presence
= maximal touch points with target audience, together with guerilla marketing techniques we can't overlook them – even when walking from train to Horecava (see picture).
🍶'not a soft drink' proposition follow suit with brands in milk category (Oatly, Alpro)
= more recognition among consumers

Wonder beans, related to pulses in response to plant protein popularity?
Nope, related to coffee beans, another coffee (and tea) concept, to me worthwhile to mention.
1) Greed-free (hebzuchtvrije) coffee & tea, similar to fair-trade, diferent in wording = differentiating
2) Go beyond zero emission, not only compensation but also improvement = Maatschappelijk Verbeterend Ondernemen
3) We Wonder Company (B Corp) aims to be transparant and eager to amaze (wonder)

📖Reading tips on Horecava by other food pro's
Eveline van Dam 
Mary van Hoek-Hendriks 
Martijn Rol

--- This post aims to start your week with a marketing & nutrition inspired thought
---- Mutrition aims to make your food business healthier
----- Let me help to tackle your market challenges