~ Shout out to market ing & market intel ~
Monday ---- Market ing & Market intel
A shout out to these 2 topics, they're so related
Last week the annual Marketing Facts Book 2025 landed on my
Chapter 0 marketing diagnose covered the analyses of the
market, to be started at the customer and highlighted a DIKW pyramid of
A confirmation of my enthusiasm about these 2 topics,
marketing & market intelligence 🙃
Herewith some of my thoughts while reading this first chapter of this annual Marketing Facts Book 2025:
♾️In order to apply proper marketing you need market diagnoses (= market intel)
♾️In order to get proper market diagnoses you need to go outside
♾️Engaging & analysing customers = searching for Unique Buying Reasons (UBR)
♾️UBR is not often taken into the marketing account, USP is considered more often
♾️It is the combination of USP & UBR that's giving a thorough picture of the playing field you're in = fuel to my enthusiasm applying this for companies 🙃
♾️The Intelligence Pyramid by J. Rodenburg = nice example of 'actionable intelligence'
♾️The Intelligence Pyramid = comprehensive model that aims to digest data via information, knowledge into wisdom in order to make better decisions that should lead to actions
♾️This Intelligence Pyramid in first chapter = confirmation of its relevance in marketing = fuel to my enthusiasm applying DIKW pyramid in companies 🙃
Some additional thoughts on the annual book itself:
♾️I wonder why the cover image is text and not a visualisation of marketing
Because we're all struggling to
capture marketing in an image?
I liked the sailing boat on the
cover of Strategic Marketing book by Verhage
How would you visualize
♾️I wonder why the first chapter is numbered 0
Is it similar to one's age, our first year on the planet is also numbered 0?
♾️I wonder why there is not a register with keywords in the back
Would be
great to search the annual book on certain key words
A top 10
list of marketing key words / topics would be a welcome addition
ones would you expect to see in such a top 10 list?
--- This post aims to start your week with a marketing & nutrition inspired thought
---- Mutrition aims to make your food business healthier
----- Let me help to tackle your market challenges
------ https://www.mutrition.nl/blog-marketing-monday/