~ Bread - delicious & nutritious? ~
Marketing Monday ---- (supermarket) bread, delicious
& nutritious?
Is bread category differentiated or standardized?
Last month I've joined the second session of 'graan gesprekken' about 'tasty
tarwe' (wheat).
Herewith some marketing & nutrition thoughts;
· Whole grain industrialized bread contains
more additives to improve its taste,
what the impact is on digestibility is unknown but questioned by traditional
bakers like René van
der Veer – Veldkeuken.
· Eat variated first advice for healthy food
pattern, but is bread variated,
wheat dominates bread category = a lot to gain and chances to differentiate
e.g. the title of this second session was 'tasty wheat' not 'tasty grains'😉
Grain grower Zonnespelt minimized share of wheat to the benefit of other
grains with the aim to bring variety in the category = more nutritious and
· For how long will (standard) bakeries
remain part of the local shopping street? I wonder for 2 reasons
1) offering in general bakeries is similar to supermarket, only true specialty
bakers like Veldkeuken, Vlaamsch Broodhuys, Le Fournil de Sébastien etc
clearly differentiate
2) we're not like the French who'll spend easily 15 minutes to fetch a
baquette, instead we're including bread purchase in the one-stop-shop
supermarket visit (80% bread purchased in supermarket – stated by Incubaker
· Delicious & nutritious bread more
expensive? The true specialty bakeries more expensive than supermarket bread?
Maybe not if you look at dry matter per recipe and the number of slices you
need for satiety.
With fewer slices to be satiated, less toppings are used = lower cost per
nutritious calory.
· Story Living & concious consumption
Community centers facilitate local bread baking initiatives where people from
the neighborhood bake their own bread together = power of bread category to
create this story living and with this more conscious consumption
· Hybrid in bread, following meat and milk
also in bread?
Not from an animal to plant protein approach but from a taste/health vs
price/palatability point of view?
Challenging if you think back on the Blue Band Bread that was on the market
receiving limited consumer enthusiasm and scrutiny from for example FoodWatch
(Gouden Windei 2011 article)
· Branding in bread category challenging?
I can't name or recall strong bread brands, you?
However, (smell of) fresh bread has high appreciation = strong story telling,
yet there's not a category champion that act as a anchor brand and guides the
category = work to be done by specialty bakers, concept developers & food